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Recoilless Disrupter Enhances EOD Technology

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2004 Pages: 106,108,109
Jennifer Cox
Ronnie Garrett
Date Published
February 2004
3 pages
This article briefly describes the capabilities and performance of the 12.5 mm Recoilless (RC) Disrupter and the role it has played in revolutionizing the Explosive Ordnance (EOD) field.
A disrupter is a device that uses gunpowder to fire a jet of water or a projectile at a particular component of an explosive in order to render it safe. Proparms’ 12.5 mm Recoilless (RC) Disrupter is a 97 percent recoilless, waterjet disrupter. The scatter effect of the liquid gives disrupters a capability not possessed by other guns, making disrupters a very unique application of gun technology. Originally, the 12.5 mm RC Disrupter was developed for the disruption of small package Improvised Explosive Devices (IED's) in tight places with future use in chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear (CBRN) situations. In CBRN situations, the 12.5 mm RC is used as a surgical tool for an accurate hit on the initiator device contained within the package. Disrupters are being used in the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) field with other EOD equipment to increase effectiveness particularly in CBRN scenarios. This product has its place when required for precise, smaller component disruptions. The 12.5 mm RC Disrupter can be mounted onto robotic platforms to increase the safety of the end-user. The disrupter is compact and measures 45 inches high when mounted on a simple camera tripod. To further improve the features of the 12.5 mm RC Disrupter, ongoing research and development efforts and demining evaluation programs are being carried out.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical)
United States of America