To perform a keyword search across the entire site and select Federal justice Web pages, type the word or words that describe your topic into the open search box. Select go or press enter. Enclose phrases in quotes. For example:
"drug court"
Results will be sorted by content type. Narrow your results further by selecting the type of information you wish to view, e.g., Publications (Full Text), Publications (Abstracts Only), Federal Justice Web Pages, Q&A, Related Links, or Conferences.
View the Number of Results at a Glance
The number of results per content type is shown on the right of the search results page.
Order Select Publications Online
A shopping cart icon appears for items available for online ordering. An "order photocopy"
icon appears for results that are not available for hardcopy ordering, but may be ordered through NCJRS photocopy services.
Filter Results for Full-Text Publications
Filter results of a full-text publication search by selecting specific dimensions of information you wish to view relevant to the publications (e.g. Crime Type, Geography, Language, Demographics, or Information Type). Selecting more types of information narrows your results further.
Filter your search by:
Perform a keyword search across the entire site by following these steps:
Search the Criminal Justice Events Calendar
To search for an event, visit the Criminal Justice Events search page and select the criteria that you would like to search by. Options include searching by date, sponsoring organization, classification (or topic), location (within the United States and internationally), and a keyword search. Once you have selected your criteria, click the search button to get your results. For more tips on searching for events, visit the Criminal Justice Events help page.
Search the NCJRS Abstracts Database
Use the NCJRS Abstracts Database Online Tutorial to learn more about how to search the Database. Specific information on Field Searches, General Search capabilities, Limiting searches by date, search types, displaying or downloading your results, how results are found and additional search techniques are available.
Results will be sorted by content type. Narrow your results further by selecting the type of information you wish to view, e.g., Publications (Full Text), Publications (Abstracts Only), Federal Justice Web Pages, Q&A, Related Links, or Conferences.
View the Number of Results at a Glance
The number of results per content type is shown on the right of the search results page.
Order Select Publications Online
An "Order Print Copy" image appears for items available for online ordering. An "Order Photocopy" image
appears for results that are not available for hardcopy ordering, but may be ordered through NCJRS photocopy services.
Filter Results for Full-Text Publications
Filter results of a full-text publication search by selecting specific dimensions of information you wish to view relevant to the publications (e.g., Crime Type, Geography, Language, Demographics, or Information Type). Selecting more types of information narrows your results further.
Filter your search by:
The basic search performs a concept search of the entire NCJRS Web site including more than 3,500 Full Text Publications, 180,000 summaries of publications from the NCJRS Abstracts Database, related links, over 500 questions and answers from the NCJRS knowledge base, conferences, and Federal Justice Web pages including the agencies of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office on Violence Against Women, National Institute of Corrections, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Choosing a Query Type: Boolean, Concept, or Pattern Searching
A Boolean search finds exactly the words you typed and allows you to combine terms with and, or and not as well as parentheses ( ). For example, if you are searching for information on HIV/AIDS in correctional facilities you could enter:
(AIDS or HIV) and (correctional or prison or jail)
A Concept search will look for the words and phrases you typed as well as related concepts.
A Pattern search will look for the words you typed as well as words with a similar spelling; this is useful when you are not sure how to spell a word or a person's name.
Wildcard and Proximity Searching
To search on a word root with a variety of endings, use the * . For example, correction* will find the words correction, corrections, or correctional . Also use the * to allow for plurals: for example, type juvenile* to find the words juvenile or juveniles.
You can also search for words to be found within a specified number of words of each other. The pattern to follow is:
word1 word2 within N
This means that word1 must be found within N words of word2.
for example
mothers incarcerated within 10
How Documents are Found, Ranked, and Displayed
Documents are located based on the relevance criteria described below, and are displayed to the user from highest relevance to lowest up to a limit of 500 documents.
Results of Boolean Searches. A Boolean search finds exactly the words you typed. If the word, words, or combination of words is found anywhere in a document, that document is included in the search results. Since the match is perfect, the results of a Boolean search are always 100%.
Results of Concept and Pattern Searches. As a first step, the search simply looks for the existence or absence of query words or related terms in the document. The rank calculation process takes into account various factors - each factor adds a certain relative "weight" to the document. Added together, these weights determine a document's relevance. The "weights" are determined by the following factors:
To further refine the relevance, the search looks at the physical location of query words and related terms within the document, as well as the total number of terms. By default, a document's rank is calculated using a formula that equally combines the factors described below: