Chapter 1: The Technical Assistance ProcessTechnical assistance may be delivered and received in many different ways. Its purpose may include any of the following (American University Courts Technical Assistance Project, 1992:2):
Regardless of the specific purpose for technical assistance, it usually is required because a change is needed or already has occurred. Changing jurisdictional or program policies and practices is an arduous task. If you are a juvenile justice professional reading this manual, you probably have identified a condition, problem, or issue within your jurisdiction or program that you believe needs to be addressed. Most likely, you think you will need some assistance to bring about the change that is required. This chapter provides a process overview for:
The intent of this manual is to empower juvenile corrections and other juvenile justice professionals to actively address and solve problems and efficiently use technical assistance resources to the best advantage. For jurisdictions or programs that are requesting onsite or longer term technical assistance, reading this chapter and completing the related questions and activities will assist juvenile justice professionals to:
The following activities in the technical assistance process are presented separately for clarity. However, in reality, they likely will be intermingled, with each activity depending on and being affected by the others. Please see the Technical Assistance Plan to help you think about the following areas and apply them to your jurisdiction or program.