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The Theme of 2003 National Crime Victims' Rights Week and Resources Available for Victim and Public Awareness

The theme of 2003 National Crime Victims' Rights Week - "Victims' Rights: Fulfill the Promise" - offers us all the opportunity to promote our commitment to and concern for crime victims, as well as our national commitment to treat them with compassion and dignity; help them identify and meet their most important needs related to their physical, emotional, financial and spiritual losses; and provide them with information about their statutory and constitutional rights, and information to help them implement those rights.

The "theme colors" for this year's commemoration are blue (PMS 2757) and orange (PMS 138).

The Office for Victims of Crime - in partnership with Justice Solutions - has published a National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide and Theme Poster to help communities commemorate this special week. Both are available free from the OVC Resource Center.

Please call (800) 627-6872 and request the Resource Guide (Order Number NCJ 198169) and Theme Poster (Order Number LT 000473).

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State & Local Field Resource Package (2003) March 2003
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