Nation Unites for Victims' Rights:" State and Local Events Coordination
- Order copies of the free National Crime Victims' Rights
Week Resource Guide and Theme Poster from the OVC Resource Center
by calling (800) 627-6872, and requesting NCJ 198169 (Resource
Guide) and LT 000473 (Theme Poster) to augment public
outreach and visuals for the April 10th observance.
- Create a 2003 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Planning
Committee and, specifically, a Committee to coordinate the April
10th "A Nation Unites for Victims' Rights" Observance.
- Contact the Office for Victims of Crime to inform them of your
participation, which will enhance national, regional and local
media coverage of this nationwide event (state/local concurrent
event response form).
- Determine who should be involved as co-sponsors (sample
- Distribute a "save the date" announcement for April 10th (sample
announcement), and post it on all relevant web
- Widely distribute a press release to print, broadcast, and
web-based news media (sample press release).
- Widely distribute public service announcements to broadcast
media (sample PSA).
- Develop and disseminate an "at-a-glance" fact sheet (sample
Fact Sheet).
- Develop a Program for the evening:
- Recognition of co-sponsors.
- Linking local event to the national initiative (a
national press release will be sent via e-mail to all
local communities that return their "state/local
concurrent event response form" to the Office for Victims of Crime).
- Invited dignitaries.
- Guest speakers.
- Any awards offered.
- Musical performances.
- Concluding with a Candlelight Ceremony.
- Provide participants with resources from the NCVRW Resource Guide:
- Theme poster and three small "I Have the Right" posters.
- Buttons.
- Commemorative lapel ribbons on ribbon cards.
- Other resources that you can replicate for your observance.
- Creat a community display for April 10th (Step-by-Step
- Follow-up with thank you letters to key participants (sample
"Thank You" letter).
State & Local Field Resource Package
(2003) |
March 2003 |