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Statistical Overviews

Hate and Bias Crime

The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that 7,876 hate crime incidents were reported to law enforcement agencies nationwide in 1999. The 7,876 incidents involved 9,301 separate offenses, 9,802 victims, and 7,271 known offenders. (Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 15 October 2000. Crime in the United States, Uniform Crime Reports, 1999. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 59.)

Of the 7,876 hate crime incidents reported, 4,295 were motivated by racial bias; 1,411 by religious bias; 1,317 by sexual orientation bias; 829 by ethnicity/national origin bias; 19 by disability bias; and 5 by multiple biases. (Ibid.)

In terms of incidents in 1999, 2,958 were anti-black; 1,109 were anti-Jewish; 915 were anti-gay men; 781 were anti-white; 466 were anti-Hispanic; 298 were anti-Asian/Pacific Islander; 187 were anti-gay women; and 47 were anti-American Indian/Alaskan native. (Ibid.)

Crimes against persons accounted for over 67% of hate crime offenses reported in 1999. Crimes against property accounted for over 33%, while less than 1% were crimes against society. (Ibid., 60)

Of the hate crimes against persons in 1999, intimidation accounted for 53%, while simple assault and aggravated assault represented 29% and 18%, respectively. (Ibid.)

In 1999, racial bias represented the largest percentage of bias-motivated offenses. Of the 9,301 reported offenses, 5,240 were motivated by racial bias. (Ibid., 59)

Of those offenses motivated by bias by ethnicity/national origin in 1999, over half of the incidents were reported as anti-Hispanic. (Ibid.)

Of those offenses motivated by bias against religious orientation in 1999, over three-fourths were based upon anti-Jewish bias. (Ibid.)

In 1999, 63% of the 9,802 victims were targets of crimes against persons, as opposed to property or society. Over 50% of hate crime victims were attacked because of their race, with bias against blacks counting for 38% of the total. (Ibid., 60)

Sixteen percent of all victims of hate/bias crimes in 1999 were victims of crimes motivated by bias against sexual orientation; 69% of these were victims of specifically anti-male homosexual bias, and 15% specifically anti-female homosexual bias. (Ibid., 59)

Of the 7,271 known offenders in 1999, 68% were white and 16% black. Nine percent of the offenders were of unknown races and 7% were of other races. (Ibid., 60)

When considering offenses in 1999, 6,103 known offenders were connected with crimes against persons; 1,444 were linked to crimes against property; and 46 were connected with crimes against society. (Ibid.)

Thirty percent of the 7,271 known offenders were involved with the offense of intimidation, the single most reported offense in 1999. (Ibid.)


National Crime Victims' Rights Week: Reach for the Stars
April 22-28, 2001
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