Camera-Ready Artwork
The wide array of camera-ready artwork included in the Resource
Guide provides powerful, visual representations of several public
education themes and crime victims' rights and services. This
year's artwork includes both graphic design and photographic
images to enhance all NCVRW public awareness efforts. All
of these resources can be utilized during NCVRW and throughout
the year in brochures, handbooks, annual reports and on public
service advertisements and billboards.
The Resource Guide camera-ready artwork reflects the 2005 NCVRW
theme Justice Isn't Served Until Crime Victims
Are as well as three other important themes:
- Putting Victims First (the theme of the
Office for Victims of Crime).
- Crime Victims' Have Rights, Too!
- Get Help or Help Out.
The font utilized throughout the Resource Guide and in most of
the camera-ready artwork is Franklin Gothic (in various font sizes).
For your convenience, all the camera-ready artwork is included
on a CD in this Resource Guide in two formats:
1) Macintosh Quark 5.0 files along with the accompanying fonts
and images required to open and print the artwork correctly. The
user must have Quark Xpress for Macintosh in version 5.0 or above
to be able to open and view these files.
2) PDF files these files can be opened by any computer
with Acrobat Reader, downloadable from
These PDFs are interactive. There are fill-in boxes within the
pages for personalizing the artwork.
These two formats can help simplify the process of replication,
and make it easy to incorporate the artwork into computerized presentations,
television broadcasts and public service announcements.
When relevant, the artwork can be personalized with contact information
of sponsoring organizations (name of agency, telephone and TTY
numbers, and URLs for agency Web sites). Local print shops and
correctional agencies may be willing to donate printing services
and/or paper, or provide these services at a reduced cost.
The six 8.5 by 11 public
service posters include a
variety of important messages relevant to crime victims' rights
and services, and convey critical public education messages to
encourage support for crime victims' issues. Organizational
contact information should be added to these posters prior to duplication
and dissemination. Two of the posters
are provided in Spanish.
Artwork for logos, buttons and
magnets can be printed in one or
more colors to add dimension to the visual impact and messages.
A total of eight graphic designs for bookmarks are included, and
can be mixed and matched to promote a variety of victim
and public awareness messages, as well as informational resources
(Web site addresses, national toll-free telephone numbers, and
victim-related commemorative weeks). Bookmarks should be printed
on paper that is at least 80-pound cover stock.
The artwork for ribbon cards can help generate victim and public
awareness during 2005 NCVRW. Two ribbons (in the NCVRW theme colors,
blue and silver) should be cut at a bias into eight-inch strips;
looped together and secured with a two-inch stick pin; and then
pinned to the card to the right of the text copy. Ribbon cards
can be produced in large quantities. In past years, victim service
organizations have collaborated with correctional agencies to have
offenders create thousands of pin cards as a component of their
community service obligations.
New artwork for name tags and name
plates has been included in
this Guide to support 2005 NCVRW events such as conferences, symposia,
press conferences, and other victim and public education and outreach
efforts. The artwork can be personalized to reflect specific events
and/or co-sponsors.
The artwork for a cover or title
page can be personalized with
local event and contact information, and can be utilized for public
awareness resource packages, media packages, or other outreach
The sample letterhead should be personalized to include the names
of organizations represented on your NCVRW Planning Committee,
or co-sponsors for specific events. These can be featured in a
column on the left side of the sample letterhead in a nine-point
font type. Also, the NCVRW theme colors can be easily incorporated
to add more depth to the design.
Artwork for bumper stickers is included to generate greater public
awareness about victims' rights and services. One includes
the 2005 NCVRW theme and dates; and the other simply states Crime
Victims Have Rights Too! with the URL for OVC's Web
The popular list of national
toll-free information and referral telephone numbers for victim assistance can be personalized to
states and local jurisdictions and disseminated as a stand-alone
document, or incorporated into other victim and public awareness
resources, including agency Web sites. This list can also be utilized
for training and technical assistance activities, as it provides
important contacts for victim information and referrals.
The visual crime clock includes national statistics
about the prevalence of crime within specific time periods. It
can be personalized and used as a public service poster, or incorporated
into other public education resources (such as brochures, annual
reports, newsletters and on agency Web sites).
Artwork for a crime
clock that is blank is also included
on the enclosed CD so that states and local communities can fill
in data and statistics that are jurisdiction-specific. The best
statistical source for creating a crime clock specific to your
state is the most recent Uniform Crime Report (UCR) developed by
your state for annual submission to the FBI. Within each state,
a specific government agency is designated to collect and develop
this annual report with statistical compilations listed statewide,
by county, and by cities and towns with populations over 100,000.
There are eight index crimes included in the UCR Report: the violent
crimes of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape,
robbery and aggravated assault, and the property crimes of burglary,
larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The UCR statistics
are arrest-based; however, 24 states have implemented the National
Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) for UCR reporting. Your
state may also have conducted incident-based crime surveys similar
to the National Crime Victimization Survey. Check with your state's
crime reporting agency or the state victim services agency or network
for this information. Once you have identified the crime statistics,
all that's left to do is the math. If you cannot locate your
state's most recent crime reports, you can find the 2003 information
2003 Uniform Crime Report
The certificate of appreciation artwork provides the opportunity
to honor crime victims and survivors and those who serve them including
professionals and volunteers for their contributions that
improve the lives of victims and survivors of crime, and promote
community and public safety. The certificate should be reproduced
on attractive card stock with the recipient's name written
in calligraphy or typed in a calligraphy-type font; and include
the date and signature of the leader of the agency or coalition
that is presenting it.
National Crime Victims' Rights
Week: Justice Isn't Served Until Crime Victims Are |
April 1016, 2005 |