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Web ad encouraging visitors to download the 2008 NCVRW public awareness ads in support of National Crime Victims' Rights Week, April 13-19, 2008.
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2008 NCVRW Theme Preview/PSA

November 21, 2007
TRT: 00:30

Visual Description: Police lights flash in the background. A blond man speaks over newspaper headlines about violent crimes.
Dialogue in Video:
“I think a lot of people think that justice is retribution. I don't think that is really what justice is about. Justice is about being able to go to sleep at night.”

Visual Description: A young woman with scars on her face speaks on screen.
Dialogue in Video: “Justice means faith that I can do something. That my voice matters.”

Visual Description: A middle-aged bespectacled man speaks on screen.
Dialogue in Video: “Justice must be equal. And justice for crime victims should be at the head of the table.”

Visual Description: A stylized graphic moves across the screen with the words “Justice for Victims. Justice for All.”


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