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Support for Connecticut Shooting Victims

Helping Newtown Heal

We at OVC convey our deepest sympathies to the victims of the Newtown shootings, their families and friends, and the people of Connecticut. Through the following programs and materials, including OVC and OVC-funded resources, victims and their families, and the victim service providers that are assisting them, can receive information about victim compensation, victim assistance, and crisis intervention.

Resources for Victims

Resources for Victim Service Providers

For more information about OVC and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Office for Victim Assistance responses to mass violence, read the July 2011 issue of OVC News & Program Updates.

Additional resources are available from the following OVC topical pages—

EventsDirectoryE-Mail UpdatesRSS
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OVC Help Series for Crime Victims. Who To Call. Facts To Know. Download Brochures.
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