Chapter 22 Special Topics
Section 8, Funding for Victim Services
The provision of quality services for crime victims requires a strong funding base. During the
past decade, strong fund-raising skills have become essential job requirements for many victim
advocates. This chapter examines sources of potential funding from the public and private
sectors and offers guidelines for a variety of fund-raising strategies.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this section, students will understand the following concepts:
- The major sources of federal funding for crime victim service programs.
- The fundamental concepts of and significant challenges to fund-raising.
- Critical elements of fund-raising.
- "Nuts and bolts" of grant writing.
- Grant seeking on the Internet.
- An overview of cause-related marketing.
- Increasing fund-raising skills and identifying corporate, foundation, and grant funding
- Promising practices in fund-raising for victim services.
Since the emergence of the first crime victim service programs in the early 1970s, adequate,
stable funding has been a persistent challenge. The allocation of LEAA funding for prosecutor-based victim/witness programs in 1974 provided an initial foundation for broad-based
governmental support. In the last two decades, support for victim services has grown to include
a wide range of public (community, state, and federal governmental levels) and private sector
This pattern of multiple funding sources for crime victim services continues today. It reflects the
growing demand for victim services and the fact that no single source can meet the demand for
the vast array of services that millions of crime victims need today.
U.S. Department of Justice Funding Opportunities
There are a variety of designated and discretionary grant programs for federal, state, and local
initiatives offered through the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) within the U.S. Department of
Justice. While the key funding streams relevant to victim assistance are described below, some
victim service agencies receive grant dollars from other OJP appropriations, often in partnership
with allied justice agencies.
Each year, OJP publishes a comprehensive summary of its appropriations relevant
to public safety, criminal and juvenile justice, crime prevention, and
victim assistance. The OJP FISCAL YEAR AT-A-GLANCE publication
is available through the Department of Justice Response Center (800-421-6770).
Information is also available from OJP's homepage at www.ojp.usdoj.gov.
The creation of the Crime Victims Fund, authorized by the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) in
1984, has greatly increased the amount of federal funding available for crime victim programs.
Since FY 1985, VOCA funding has increased from $68 million to $324 million collected in FY
1998 for FY 1999 programs. Growth in the fund has enabled OVC to award more than a billion
dollars in grants to benefit crime victims through assistance, compensation, and training. VOCA
funds have been used to support a growing number of victim assistance programs. It is estimated
that approximately 2,000 community-based programs served crime victims in 1986, and more
that 9,000 programs serve victims of crime in 1999. VOCA provides funding for approximately
3,000 victim assistance programs serving more than two million crime victims each year; state
victim compensation programs serving an additional 200,000 victims; and training and technical
assistance on crime victim issues to thousands of professionals nationwide, including federal
criminal justice personnel and tribal organizations.
Information that VOCA-funded programs provide to the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
suggests that the vast majority of federally supported crime victim assistance programs obtain
funding from a variety of sources and utilize volunteers to augment the efforts of staff. The
average amount of a program's VOCA grant award is less than $20,000, representing only a
small portion of the average program budget.
In addition to VOCA funding, several other programs have been created by federal legislation to
address a variety of victim issues. In 1986, the Family Violence Prevention and Treatment Act
created funding for shelters for battered women and law enforcement training on the issue of
domestic violence. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act has provided funding for
child abuse programs and the Children's Justice Act of 1986 has supported systemic changes in
the handling of child abuse cases in the criminal justice system. The Department of Health and
Human Services administers these acts, with a portion of the CJA funds transferred to OVC to
assist Native American child victims.
The Violence Against Women Act, enacted as Title IV of the Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994 (VAWA), provides for improved prevention and prosecution of violent
crimes against women and children. In addition, the Act creates new legal remedies for certain
victims of violent crimes motivated by gender, and significantly increases the amount of federal
funding available to support service programs. The following highlights an overview of funding
opportunities available from the Violence Against Women Grants Office (VAWGO), as
described by the VAWA Web page:
The Violence Against Women Grants Office (VAWGO) in the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) is
dedicated to enhancing victim safety and ensuring offender accountability by supporting policies, protocols,
and projects that call for zero tolerance of all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence,
sexual assault, and stalking. VAWGO administers one formula and four discretionary grant programs
authorized by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
VAWGO is committed to working in partnership with state, local, and tribal government officials, as well as
non-profit organizations, to encourage the development and support of innovative, effective programs for
preventing, identifying, and stopping violence against women and ensuring their safety. VAWA envisions
comprehensive community efforts to create and adopt locally responsive approaches that encourage
collaboration among all segments, including victim service providers, victims' advocates, criminal justice
authorities, health care providers, and community organizations representing educators, businesses, members
of the clergy, and others involved in the fight to end violence against women. Communities are encouraged
to leverage the coercive power of the criminal justice system to enhance women's safety and manage
offenders' behavior. VAWGO is dedicated to ensuring that this vision is carried out as quickly and
effectively as possible.
Grant programs administered by VAWGO include:
- STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grants Program. The STOP (Services Training Officers and
Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grants are awarded to states and territories to develop
and strengthen the criminal justice system's response to violence against women and to support and
enhance services for victims. Each state and territory must allocate 25% of the grant funds to law
enforcement, 25% to prosecution, and 25% to victim services. The remaining 25% can be allocated at
each grantee's discretion within the broad parameters established by VAWA State Contacts.
- Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies. The Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies are designed to encourage
state, local, and tribal governments to treat domestic violence as a serious violation of criminal law
requiring the coordinated involvement of the entire criminal justice system. Grant funds may be used for
implementing mandatory or pro-arrest programs and policies; developing policies and training in criminal
justice agencies to improve tracking of domestic violence cases; and creating centralized domestic
violence units consisting of police, prosecution, the judiciary, or other criminal justice agencies.
- Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grants. The Rural Domestic Violence
and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant Program is designed to improve and increase services
available to rural women and children by encouraging community involvement in developing a
coordinated response to domestic violence and child abuse. Police, prosecutors, judges, non-profit,
non-governmental victim service agencies, and community organizations in rural jurisdictions are
required to collaborate in the development and implementation of programs designed to reduce and
prevent violence against rural women and children. Under this program, a state is considered rural if it
has a population density of fifty-two or fewer persons per square mile or the largest county has fewer
than 150,000 people. Entities in non-rural states are eligible for funding through the state if they are in
areas that meet their state's criteria for a rural jurisdiction.
- STOP Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grants Program. The STOP Violence Against
Indian Women Program is designed to develop and strengthen tribal law enforcement and prosecution
efforts to combat violence against native women and develop and enhance services for victims of such
crimes. Tribes that have law enforcement and prosecution responsibilities must allocate 25% of their
grant funds to tribal law enforcement, 25% to tribal prosecution, and 25% to nonprofit, nongovernmental
victim service agencies. The remaining 25% may be divided among the three categories at each grantee's
- Domestic Violence Victims' Civil Legal Assistance Grants. The Domestic Violence Victims' Civil Legal
Assistance Discretionary Grant Program is designed to strengthen civil legal assistance for victims of
domestic abuse through innovative, collaborative programs that reach battered women on a broad range
of issues. The core components of projects supported by this grant program include training, mentoring,
and collaborative relationships. Funds are being used to support or provide direct legal services on
behalf of victims of domestic violence in civil matters directly related to the domestic violence, including
but not limited to: cases to obtain, modify or enforce civil protection orders; divorce or legal separation;
spousal and child support; child custody and/or visitation; administrative matters such as access to
benefits; housing and/or landlord-tenant matters; and matters related to employment, including
unemployment compensation proceedings. Eligible recipients include law school legal clinics, legal aid
or legal services programs, shelters for battered women, and bar associations. All grant recipients must
certify that a conflict screening process is in place to ensure that no civil or criminal legal matters are
handled for abusers of clients or for alleged batterers.
- Grants to Combat Violence Against Women on Campuses. In FY99, for the first time Congress
appropriated $10 million for Grants to Combat Violent Crimes Against Women on Campuses authorized
under the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. These grants will be awarded to higher education
institutions to work individually or in consortia consisting of campus personnel, student organizations,
campus administrators, security personnel, and regional crisis centers affiliated with the institution, to
develop and strengthen effective strategies to combat violence against women, including domestic
violence, sexual assault, and stalking on campuses.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance Discretionary Grant Program was authorized by the Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. The Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law
Enforcement Assistance Program makes direct discretionary grant awards to states, units of local
government, and private non-profit groups for the support of state and local criminal justice
system initiatives. The FY 1999 Byrne appropriation is $47 million.
At the national level, Byrne monies support a number of initiatives that incorporate victims'
rights and needs, including the National Crime Prevention Council, National Judicial College,
and Chicago's Family Violence Intervention Program. While states have discretion about how
Byrne dollars are spent, a number of states have utilized this federal funding source to support
programs and services such as victim/offender mediation and automated victim notification.
The purpose of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act is to (1) help states increase
public awareness about and prevent family violence and to provide immediate shelter and related
assistance for victims of family violence and their dependents; and (2) provide for technical
assistance and training relating to family violence programs to states, local public agencies
(including law enforcement agencies, courts, legal, social service, and health care professionals),
nonprofit/private organizations, and persons seeking such assistance.
For more information on the FVPSA program, please contact Health and Human Services
(HHS), Administration for Children and Families at 202-401-5529 (OVC 1999, 3).
In federal fiscal year 1997, Congress appropriated $35,000,000 for rape prevention and services.
Congress mandated that at least 25 percent of the PHHSBG grant funds be devoted to education
programs for middle school, junior high school, and high school students. The remainder of the
funds must be used by States to support direct services such as rape crisis centers that offer
hotline support and victim counseling. In addition, these grants can be used to increase public
awareness through training programs for professionals, including police officers and
investigators; the preparation of informational materials; and other public education efforts
organized by state sexual assault coalitions and other victim advocates.
For more information about the PHHSBG program, contact The Family and Intimate Violence
Prevention Team, Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injuries Prevention and
Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at 770-488-4410 (Ibid., 4).
The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) authorized grants to States for the purpose of developing,
establishing, and operating programs, referred to as Children's Justice Act Grants, designed to
improve (1) the handling of child abuse cases, particularly cases of child sexual abuse, in a
manner which limits additional trauma to the child victim; and (2) the investigation and
prosecution of cases of child abuse, particularly child sexual abuse.
For more information on the Children's Justice Act Grant Program, please contact the Office for
Victims of Crime at 202-307-5983 (Ibid., 6).
Since 1989, the Federal Crime Victims Division of OVC has provided funding through the
Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (CJA). These funds are used to
assist American Indian tribes in developing, establishing, and operating programs to improve the
investigation, prosecution, and handling of child abuse cases, particularly cases of child sexual
abuse, in a manner that limits additional trauma to the child victim.
For more information on the CJA Tribal Grant Program, please contact the Office for Victims of
Crime at 202-307-5983 (Ibid.).
The Fundamental Concepts of Fund-Raising
As victim service providers seek to broaden their funding bases, it is important to understand
some general theories about fund-raising. Essentially, there are ten fundamental concepts of
fund-raising for victim assistance organizations:
- "Fund-raising is not an island." Every program within a victim assistance organization has
a direct relationship to fund-raising. Victim services, marketing and public relations,
community outreach, education, and administration should all have a key role in fund-raising initiatives. Funding sources are more prone to support agencies that can prove their
activities are integrated while, at the same time, diverse.
- All staff should be involved in fund-raising activities. A "team approach" to fund-raising can
strengthen both the scope and success of fund-raising initiatives, from special events to grant
writing. It is crucial to determine what special skills each staff member brings to the fund-raising table. For example, an administrative assistant can help format proposals and make
calls soliciting letters of support. Victim advocates are in the best position to accurately
describe the programs and services that need support. Public relations personnel can help
with theme development and writing. Administrators ensure that fund-raising deadlines are
met and that funded projects remain on track.
If you don't ask, you won't receive. For many victim advocates, fund-raising is the least
desirable duty in their job descriptions. In the competitive world of giving, it is crucial that
victim service providers develop basic skills in soliciting funds and in-kind support. The
greater one's comfort and confidence level is with an agency's programs and services, the
easier it becomes to solicit support for such activities.
Solicitation for financial support should be viewed as a "partnership." Funding sources
essentially make investments in the organizations to which they give financial support. They
should not be viewed as simply "a financial resource," but rather as a partner in a process
that builds upon positive programs for the future. In essence, funding sources "hire" victim
assistance organizations to get a specific job done with their financial support. By
positioning a proposal as a partnership, victim service agencies can improve their success
rate in soliciting funds.
Personal relationships play a key role in fund-raising efforts. The adage "it's who you
know" is often applicable to fund-raising activities. Successful fund-raising initiatives often
result from strong personal and/or professional relationships between individuals at the
funding source and at the victim service organization. While the success of fund-raising
activities is highly dependent upon the organization's ability to comply with funding
requirements and provide expected deliverables in a timely manner, such activities often
begin with a personal relationship of mutual respect and trust.
The visibility of an organization is one of its best assets. Funding sources are more likely to
support programs and services with which they are familiar. Victim assistance programs
with a reputation for performing valuable services that are highly visible in a community
increase their likelihood of receiving financial support within that jurisdiction. The linkages
between fund-raising, public relations, and community outreach are critical to success.
Equally important is an organization's ability to clearly articulate its mission, vision, goals,
and programs.
It takes time and persistence to succeed in fund-raising. If fund-raising efforts operate on a
project-to-project basis, they are likely to fail. They must be institutionalized into an
organization's ongoing operations, with a recognition that success does not occur overnight.
Constant evaluation of fund-raising activities is critical to success. An organization's past
fund-raising experience is an important foundation to help plan for the future. Each fund-raising initiative must be examined as to what contributed to its success or failure. Feedback
from funding sources that either supported or declined to support funding requests can help
determine strengths and gaps in fund-raising initiatives. Agencies that build upon their fund-raising successes are more likely to continue such successes in the future.
Fund-raising is a program and a process. Just as the delivery of victim services is viewed
and operated in a programmatic manner, so should fund-raising be considered a program and
a process that is integral to an organization's success. Databases can be developed to
incorporate standardized pieces of grants and to maintain records of past and potential
donors. Job descriptions can clarify the duties of professionals and volunteers specific to
fund-raising. Training for new staff about how to raise money, as well as continuing
education within an agency's training programs, should be provided.
- Fund-raising can be fun. When fund-raising activities are viewed as an organizational asset,
rather than a frustrating challenge, the end result can be efforts that are rewarding and even
fun. The capabilities an organization gains by raising funds and in-kind support (including
improved services, higher public visibility, more volunteers, and greater employee
satisfaction) contribute to the institutionalization of fund-raising initiatives as a core
component of victim services.
Challenges to Successful Resource Development
In the victim services discipline, there are ten significant challenges to fund-raising that require
consideration from victim advocates whose job responsibilities include resource development:
- Lack of a development plan integrated within a strategic plan. Victim service organizations
benefit from long-range, strategic thinking about their resource needs and how to meet them.
A development plan establishes funding goals to meet an agency's most important needs,
activities to meet these goals, and personnel and volunteer needs to assist with fund-raising
- Lack of knowledge of potential funding sources. While there are myriad government and
public sector funding sources that support victim-related initiatives, they seldom provide
funding without being asked, or without a designated solicitation process. The Internet
holds tremendous promise for identifying sources of potential grant dollars; funding sources
that are not typically "mainstream" for victim services can also be explored. For example,
grant making agencies that provide funding for minority outreach, alcohol and other drug
abuse prevention and intervention, and crime prevention have relevant application to the
field of victim assistance. Victim service providers must be aware of these and other
opportunities to identify and proactively solicit funding support.
Fear of seeking financial support for victim assistance programs. Asking for money is the
most important, yet most difficult, aspect of fund-raising. Whether one conducts face-to-face
appeals for funding, writes grants, or sponsors special events, it is often a challenge to
request financial support. Yet the art of asking for money is perhaps the most important skill
of a victim advocate whose job responsibilities include fund-raising.
Chasing after grant dollars. Just because grant money is available does not necessarily
mean it is a match for an organization's skills or capacity. Many victim assistance
organizations make the common error of "chasing grant dollars" in an effort to maintain their
very existence. This can lead to internal struggles while attempting to provide services or
develop new programs or training initiatives for which an agency is ill-suited. Instead,
victim service organizations should attempt to match their capabilities with grant requests-for-proposals (RFPs), and pass on RFPs that are not a good match.
Seeking project-specific grant funding without financial support to continue the project once
funding ceases. A long-range vision for program development, as it relates to financial
support, is critical to success. New initiatives that end abruptly when the funding runs out
can be detrimental to an organization, and even harmful to victims who come to rely on the
program for support.
Lack of clarity in funding initiatives and goals. Victim assistance organizations should have
a very clear vision of what their fund-raising initiatives hope to achieve. Annual budgets, for
example, can include priorities for programs and services based upon available funding, with
an understanding that without financial support, certain activities cannot and will not occur.
Fund-raising goals can be established that include a baseline (the minimum amount of
money that needs to be raised for an organization's basic subsistence) and graduated goals
that match priority needs to the amount of money that can be raised to meet them.
Lack of proposal writing skills. Proposal writing is becoming more precise, particularly with
funding agencies' strict expectations and basic formulas that contribute to continued success.
Victim service organizations can maintain databases with basic information, such as annual
budget, organizational capabilities, and staffing, that can be easily inserted into proposals.
However, good writing skills and a strong presentation style are crucial to grant writing
Lack of diversity among proposed project staff and volunteers. Victim service providers
should "mirror" the populations they serve. Project staff and volunteers should be diverse by
gender, culture, and geography. Such diversity can often be augmented through project
advisory boards. Similarly, project proposals should incorporate the needs of traditionally
underserved victim populations.
Failure to meet the requirements of existing programs that are funded by grantors. A strong
track record in successful and timely completion of all goals for projects that receive outside
funding is one of the greatest assets of a victim service organization's development program.
Project deliverables that are late, sloppy, or incomplete can result in a damaged reputation,
particularly if an organization receives a significant portion of funding from one source.
- Lack of follow-on to ensure that a program or project is indeed successful. One of the most
consistent gaps in victim-related development initiatives is program evaluation. As more
states move toward performance-based evaluation measures, and as the federal government
seeks program evaluation as a core component of most of its RFPs, victim service
organizations must learn how to measure success, and be capable of doing so in a consistent
fashion. Many agencies are beginning to team with academia and graduate students to
develop evaluation measures and processes that meet program evaluation requirements.
Critical Elements for Fund-Raising
Some of the greatest strengths of successful fund-raising are also fundamental strengths of basic
organizational development. If victim assistance organizations are able to articulate their
strengths, they are more likely to receive financial support. These critical elements can be
standardized and developed for ready availability in electronic format for quick insertion and
editing into fund-raising and grant proposals.
Every victim assistance organization should have a mission statement that offers an overall vision
for why any agency exists. The following are key elements of a mission statement:
- What needs or problems the agency addresses.
- How needs and problems are anticipated.
- How the agency responds to key stakeholders.
- What are the agency's philosophy and core values.
- What makes the agency unique.
- Why the organization should continue to exist.
Development of an agency mission statement should involve key staff, volunteers, and board
members (if applicable) in a focused process that attempts to determine these key elements in
three to five sentences.
A description of organizational capabilities is helpful to provide a "snapshot" of an agency's
strengths, and is often a standard element of grant applications. This overview should address
how long the agency has been in existence, its core programs and services, staffing (including use
of volunteers), past successful fund-raising endeavors and community support, and the
organizational structure (flow chart of staffing and services).
Program descriptions, whether relevant to a specific fund-raising initiative or not, are necessary
to provide an overall view of an agency and the scope of its services. An organization should
link a proposed project for which it is seeking funding to an existing program in order to show a
foundation of ongoing programmatic support.
Data on victim services (including the number, types, and personal demographics of victims
served and types of services provided and by whom) help frame an organization as a vital
resource for victims in need of support and assistance.
Relationships with allied agencies (including criminal and juvenile justice agencies, community-based programs and services, funding sources, civic organizations, and public policy agencies
and elected officials) help establish an organization as a "team player" with an impressive
network of allied professionals.
Program evaluation data are often the most neglected component of victim service
organizations. Funding sources are eager for "proof" that a program is effective and that it
accomplishes what it says it can or will do. Evaluative data can include numbers of clientele
served; results of victim satisfaction surveys; findings from focus group research about an
agency's programs and services; and summaries of services provided that directly link to the
enforcement of core victims' rights such as notification, protection, and input/participation in the
criminal justice process.
Testimony from satisfied clients is key to showing "the human side" of victim services. While a
description of crisis intervention services is adequate, when augmented by a testimonial from a
domestic violence victim whose life was dramatically altered in positive ways through victim
assistance interventions, the services become essential.
Grant Writing
The responsibility of grant writing incorporates much more that simply writing: it requires
systematic planning that contributes to a vision that is clear and concise. Many grant writers
find it helpful to develop an outline for their grant proposal prior to actually beginning the grant
writing process. It is imperative that grant writers be flexible here, though, as funders often
impose their own outline.
The following guidelines provide an overview of the grant process.
When a request for proposals (RFP) is issued, it is important to receive it in a timely manner.
Victim service organizations should make sure that they are on relevant mailing lists--the U.S.
Department of Justice, state-level public funding sources, and private foundations and charitable
trusts--in order to receive RFPs at the time they are released.
As a preliminary motto, agencies should always check the "eligible applicant" section to see if
they can apply for the funds or if there are special requirements (e.g., partnership grants). Also,
watch for mandatory "letters of intent" or "bidders conference" requirements. Often government
and private grants provide guidelines about award specifications (dollar amounts and time
frames) and other restrictions. These requirements should be reviewed prior to beginning the
grant process. Similarly, if a "grant category checklist" is provided by the grant making agency,
it can be a helpful tool to assess the viability of applying for a particular grant.
While grant requirements are usually fairly clear, it is helpful to have several people carefully
review and discuss them prior to beginning the actual writing process. It is also helpful to call
the contact person listed from the grant making agency to clarify any questions or concerns. The
agency's deadline for receiving the grant application, the maximum length (in pages) of the grant
proposal, how many copies are required, and the specific format requirements of the grant
(length, spacing, point size, and style of the words, etc.) need to be noted before the writing
process begins.
"Selection criteria" are also very important. Often, specific sections of grant proposals count for
a certain number of points (usually up to 100). In addition, it is helpful to know how the grant
decisions will be made. Is there a peer review process; do agency staff have any input; is it a
combination of the two?
Often different personnel and volunteers within an agency can bring specific skills to the grant
writing process. These include technical writing (strong writing skills, good grammar and
correct spelling); budget development; program descriptions; knowledge of victim advocacy and
victim services; knowledge of program evaluation; and grant administration. Since one person
seldom has experience in all of these areas, a team approach to grant writing can be crucial to
In addition to a clearly articulated mission statement, several other elements lend success to grant
writing. An agency's credibility is an important asset--how it is perceived in the community and
the value that the community places on the services that are provided. An agency's experience
with past grant management and implementation is also important. Many grantors request
references from entities that have funded prior projects or initiatives sponsored by a victim
service organization.
Funding sources view cost effectiveness as one of the most important criteria for supporting
projects. While it is important to promise only what an agency can deliver, it is also helpful to
provide background information that assures the funding source that it is getting "the most bang
for its buck." Therefore, determine what needs can be met for the amount of funds that are
sought. Indicate in-kind support and use of volunteers as two factors that contribute to cost-effectiveness.
Perhaps most important is determining what makes an agency that is seeking funding unique.
The competitive nature of fund-raising requires organizations to show that they are distinct and
special. For example, the provision of services to traditionally underserved victim populations
(including victims with disabilities, non-English speaking victims, and victims in either rural-remote or highly urban areas) fills a "niche" that makes a proposal stand out. Use of technology
to streamline agency processes or service delivery adds to an organization's uniqueness.
For competitive grants, it is helpful to identify "who the competition might be," in order to
position an organization's strengths and unique aspects that might differ from other organizations
applying for the same funding.
Regardless of the type of grant that is being sought, there are three areas of background
information that are likely to be relevant:
- Conceptual issues include how a project fits with an organization's mission and philosophy;
the needs that will be addressed by a project; how an organization can best meet those needs;
the project's logic; and what makes a proposal unique from other submissions.
- Programmatic issues include the nature of the project and how it will be conducted; timetable
for the project; anticipated outcomes and how they will be measured; and staffing needs (both
existing and new, professional and volunteer).
- Financial issues include the actual grant budget as well as how it fits within an agency's
overall budget.
While RFPs differ in their specific requirements, there are generally sixteen core components of
a grant proposal:
- Cover page.
- Cover letter.
- Any paperwork required by the RFP.
- Table of contents.
- Executive summary.
- Background and/or statement of need.
- Project description (goals and objectives).
- Time-task-deliverable-responsibility plan.
- Products/deliverables.
- Project management and staffing.
- Organization chart.
- Organizational capabilities.
- Evaluation.
- Budget.
- Budget narrative.
- Appendices.
The following descriptions of the core components do not supplant specific grant requirements
issues in RFPs; rather, they are intended as general guidelines for consideration in grant writing.
Cover page. The cover page should include the title of the project; agency to which the proposal
is being submitted; the agency that is submitting the proposal; and the date of the proposal
(usually the "due date" specified in the RFP). Current software capabilities augment an agency's
ability to format the cover page in an attractive manner, i.e., in a box or with double lines at the
top and bottom of the cover page.
Cover letter. The cover letter should be addressed to the director of the grant making agency,
unless otherwise specified in the RFP, and signed by the Executive Director, President of the
Board of Directors, or top administrator (such as prosecutor or judge) of the agency seeking
funds. Sample language for a cover letter can include the following:
I am pleased to submit the enclosed proposal for (project title) to the (grant making agency). Our agency believes we have the vision, capability, and commitment to complete the requirements of this project in full accordance with your request-for-proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to (grant making agency) with this proposal.
If you have any questions or require any clarification of this proposal, you can reach me at (include telephone number, fax number, and e-mail).
Thank you very much for your consideration of this proposal.
Paperwork required by the Request-for-Proposal. The traditional paperwork required by RFPs
includes the application form; assurances of compliance with government statutes; and
certifications (for example, lobbying and drug-free workplaces). Often, budget detail worksheets
and a "memorandum of understanding" between the grant making agency and potential grant
recipient are also required.
Table of contents. If required, the table of contents should include all major titles and sub-titles
related to the complete components of a proposal, and should be completed last. Most software
programs make it quite simple to automatically generate a table of contents. However, it is
important to double-check and make sure the page numbers in the table of contents match the
page numbers of the text.
Executive summary. Many grant reviewers consider the executive summary to be the most
important part of a proposal because it offers a concise overview of what the proposed project is
all about. Grant writers should ask: "Would I want to fund this proposal based solely on the
executive summary?" If the answer is "no," the executive summary requires more work.
The executive summary should clarify the problem(s) and need(s) that the proposal addresses;
describe the proposed solution; summarize the funding requirements (how much money is being
solicited); and provide a brief overview of the grant seeking organization and its expertise. A
common error grant writers often make is writing the executive summary first, when it should be
written last (once the full proposal has been carefully crafted).
Most RFPs place a word or page limit on the executive summary (such as one page or 300
words). It is essential that this, and any other technical requirement, be complied with or the
proposal may be rejected.
Background and/or statement of need. This section should justify the very reason(s) a project is
needed and should offer hope that positive change can occur through the implementation of the
proposed project. Often, an RFP includes a summary of need; in such cases, it is a good idea to
"mirror"the language included in the RFP, and expand upon the RFP's stated need with
information that shows knowledge of the subject, as well as the uniqueness of the grant writing
agency's qualifications in meeting the need.
The background and statement of need section can include a historical overview, statistics, case
studies, research outcomes, quotations from notable professionals in the field, and summaries of
relevant public policy initiatives. In the field of victim services, it can be helpful to utilize "the
power of the personal story" by highlighting a single victim, relating the proposed project to how
it would make (or could have made) a positive difference in the victim's life.
Other considerations for this important section include whether the project is being offered as a
model or demonstration; whether the needs that the project will address are chronic or acute (or
both); how or if traditionally underserved victim populations will benefit from the project; and
any multi-disciplinary collaboration that can augment the proposed solution. Perhaps most
important, the background and statement of need should demonstrate that the potential grantee's
proposed program and solution address the need differently and/or better than other projects that
preceded it.
Project description. The project description includes goals and objectives that define how the
project will be implemented. Often, project goals are included in the RFP and should be
incorporated verbatim in the grant proposal. List a project's goals, and then draft the proposed
objectives in outline form prior to filling in the substantive text.
In general, a project goal identifies the following:
- What will be accomplished through the project.
- How it will be accomplished.
- Which professionals and/or volunteers will be involved in accomplishing the goal.
Project goals should be precise and concise (limited to one or two sentences each). It is
important to ensure that each goal can be accomplished by the objectives of the project.
Project objectives define the methods that will be utilized to accomplish the goals of the
proposed project. It is helpful to view objectives as measurable outputs. As such, outputs must
be tangible, specific, concrete, capable of assessment, and achievable within a specific time
The format of goals and objectives can make a significant difference in their clarity. An example
of standard format for grant writers is as follows:
Literature review.
Objective 1. Conduct a literature review of resources relevant to substance abuse among victims
resulting from the trauma of victimization.
1.1 Submit a literature review request to the National Institute of Justice Editors' Advisory
Group for inclusion in its monthly resource package (which is mailed to over 160
national criminal and juvenile justice and victim assistance organizations).
1.2 Post the literature review request on the (agency's) Web site.
1.3 Conduct a literature review on the Internet, utilizing key phrases such as "victims and
substance abuse," "alcohol and other drugs," etc.
1.4 Conduct an internal literature review of (agency's) extensive library (which includes
over (#) documents related to victimology and other topics).
1.5 Conduct an external literature review of all federal agencies that deal with crime
victims, substance abuse, criminal justice, and juvenile justice, utilizing both their Web
sites and in-house libraries for research.
This example offers the basic framework for grant goals and objectives. In reality, each objective
would describe in detail how it will be accomplished and ensure that its completion/success can
be measured.
Time-task-deliverable-responsibility plan. This plan should be incorporated into a chart, and
ultimately offers an "at-a-glance" summary of project staffing, deadlines, and deliverables
(directly related to each objective). Utilizing the example cited above for goals and objectives,
the time-task-deliverable-responsibility plan would look something like this:
| Due Date
| Staff Responsible |