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Corrections-Based Victim Services Training

Although victim services in correctional settings exist in every state, some continue to be offender-focused rather than victim-focused. To change this, OVC entered into a partnership with the National Institute of Corrections and the Corrections Program Office (now part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance) to train corrections-based victim service providers about the impact of crime on victims, victimization dynamics and corresponding victim needs, and the skills necessary to shift their focus from the offender to the victim.

Specifically, the training is designed to provide information on relevant issues, such as victims' rights, victim safety, and restitution and compensation, as well as seamless service delivery within the corrections field. The training also facilitates resource sharing, networking, and planning for future staff development opportunities for coordinators. This partnership will ensure that each state corrections victim services coordinator receives annual, state-of-the-art training on various victims ' issues and is given timely information on program models and promising practices for improving victim services that can be adapted to fit his or her state. For more details, visit the National Institute of Corrections Web site.

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