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Basic Victim Advocacy Web-Based Training Course

To meet the need for an alternative, affordable, and user-friendly source of victim advocacy and services training that providers can take at their convenience, OVC allocated funding to develop and test accessible online training that teaches providers how to identify and respond to the basic needs of all victims. This Web course will focus on the "how-to" of victim services and advocacy, including how to work within culturally diverse communities. The course will develop, beta test, and refine an online victim assistance training course founded in the core competencies of effective victim service.

In partnership with the National Center for Victims of Crime, Safe Horizon, and SafePlace, Cicatelli Associates, will develop the Victim Advocacy Training Online Project—an evidence- and Web-based training program that gives providers the skills they need to identify and respond to all victims. An analysis is being conducted of the demand and intent to use the training, a training needs assessment, a functional analysis of duties, a literature review, and a review of existing resources and curricula. A comprehensive evaluation will assess the Web course's usability, relevance, and impact. The final version of the course will be pilot tested, marketed, and disseminated to providers.

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