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New Directions from the Field: Victims' Right and Services for the 21st Century

Evaluation and Action Form
New Directions: Strategies for Implementation—
Tools for Action Guide

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Your comments will be very useful to the Office for Victims of Crime in two ways: first, in determining the types of resources most useful to the field, and second, in tracking the impact of New Directions by finding out about the implementation efforts undertaken on the local, State, Tribal, and national level.

1. What section/elements of this New Directions Implementation Guide did you find most useful? Least useful?
2. How do you plan to use the Implementation Guide?
3. What efforts are currently underway in your community/State/Tribe/ organization/agency to implement the many ideas and recommendations contained in New Directions?
4. What future efforts do you think are needed to implement New Directions in your community/State/Tribe/nationally?

Please Return this Evaluation Form to: Laura Federline, Program Specialist, Office of the Director, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 Seventh Street, NW., Washington, DC, 20531

New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century
Archive iconThe information on this page is archived and provided for reference purposes only.