Learn about SARTs

In brief, a SART is a coordinated team of people who serve victims of
sexual assault. This section describes SARTs in more detail.

Click here to view video.
VIDEO: SARTs at Work An introduction to
the SART approach

What Is Sexual Assault? What Is a SART? How Did SARTs Evolve?

Consent issues.

Definitions of sexual assault for national reporting purposes.

Definitions of such assaults in tribal code and college campus policies.

The frequency of sexual assaults.

The heavy costs involved with sexual assault (e.g., physical, economic, emotional).

The common makeup of SARTs.

How SARTs help victims.

How SARTs help sexual assault responders.

Why communities should consider developing a SART approach.

The history of SARTs from the 1970s to today.

The potential of SARTs for the future.