Hold Team Meetings . Monitor and Evaluate Your Efforts . Sustain Your SART . Know Your Team . Critical Issues
Goals and Objectives
Logic Model
Once teams have defined and prioritized their goals and objectives, the next step is the construction of a logic modela way of thinking that links your SART's activities to the outcomes you hope to achieve.
Logic models help you define6
- Your vision and goals.
- Steps (activities) you need to take to achieve your goals.
- Whether the steps will lead to desired outcomes.
- Which indicators (e.g., number of cases) will help you track the degree to which you are taking intended actions (process evaluation) and which indicators (e.g., victim satisfaction) will track team goals (outcome evaluation).
Although you should develop your logic model when you first plan your SART, know that it isn't static or detached from ongoing SART activities; you also can use it for focusing evaluation efforts. (See Monitor and Evaluate Your Efforts in this toolkit for more information about evaluation.)
Generally, it is easiest to work backwards. Once you define desired outcomes, you can identify activities that are needed to achieve them. Once you identity activities (outputs), you can determine which resources (inputs) are needed to develop and implement them.
Inputs are resources dedicated to the program. Examples are money, staff and staff time, volunteers and volunteer time, facilities, equipment, and supplies.
Outputs are the direct products of program activities and usually are measured in terms of the volume of work accomplished. For example, the numbers of community referrals, medical forensic exams, and cases investigated and prosecuted.
Outcomes are benefits to victims and the criminal justice system based on coordinated service delivery. For example, victims may be more willing to assist with the investigation and prosecution of their cases because their practical, emotional, psychological, social, and economic needs are prioritized.
When creating a logic model, ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the problem or challenge we are trying to address? Beginning by identifying problems or challenges will help to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page.
- What long-term outcomes do we hope to achieve? Long-term outcomes are what you hope to ultimately achieve—in other words, your SART's vision.
- What short-term outcomes may lead to these long-term outcomes? Short-term outcomes prepare you to achieve your vision.
- Which activities will help us achieve outcomes? The activities must be specific.
- Are we working on assumptions? Any time an arrow is drawn from one box to another (e.g., from an activity to an outcome) it suggests that the one leads to another. Make sure your activities will lead to your desired outcomes. For example, will increased community networking really lead to more victim-centered responses? Discuss how you reach any conclusions and whether evidence supports them.
- What will the focus of our evaluation be? Identify indicators for each outcome. Indicators are areas of change that help to identify the degree of your SART's impact. They should be measurable, clearly defined, and accessible. For example, you may want to assess if team meetings promote increased knowledge of community resources. One indicator is that team members report increased knowledge of available community resources. Another potential indicator is that referrals to community resources have increased. In addition, consider if data needed to measure outcomes are currently being collected or are available. If not, are there cost-effective instruments available? (See Monitor and Evaluate Your Efforts in this toolkit for information about evaluating your SART.)
Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models: Logic Model Basics Teaches users the basics of logic models.
Logic Model Builder Takes users through the process of developing a customized logic model (requires user to establish an account).
Logic Model Worksheet Allows users to chart inputs, outputs, and outcomes.
Goal: Increase interagency communication to ensure more consistent, victim-centered responses.
Objective: Develop a responsibility matrix to coordinate medical, legal, and advocacy responses.
Document medical, legal, and advocacy (primary and secondary) responsibilities in responding to sexual assault victims.
Ask each agency on the SART to verify and document its responsibilities when responding to victims. Create an interagency responsibility matrix and share it with SART agencies and allied agencies to ensure they understand the SART process.
A. SART members are knowledgeable about specific roles and responsibilities of team members.
B. Community organizations, educational institutions, and medical facilities are prepared to provide referrals to SART agencies.
A. Develop or revise SART protocols or guidelines based on cross-system responsibilities in responding to victims.
B. Follow response protocols to ensure seamless delivery of services, regardless of which agency that victims initially contact.
A. Revise protocols based on emerging medical, legal, and advocacy issues.
B. Support victims immediately after disclosure and ensure that they receive services for as long as needed.