Build Your SART . Collect Data . Create a Strategic Plan . Determine Communication Standards
Hold Team Meetings . Monitor and Evaluate Your Efforts . Sustain Your SART . Know Your Team . Critical Issues
Hold Team Meetings . Monitor and Evaluate Your Efforts . Sustain Your SART . Know Your Team . Critical Issues
Developing the Plan
Decide Who Will Develop the Plan
Depending on the size of your SART and its level of development, you may choose to form a sustainability subcommittee or to address sustainability as an ongoing agenda item during team meetings. Including all or most team members in the process can help ingrain sustainability efforts in the team, helping it to proactively7
- Find money, services, or equipment to meet current needs and future directions for the team.
- Ease the transition from one source of funding to another, such as at the end of a grant period.